For Normandie Avenue, earlier prioritization had been at approximately 58 percent throughput and improved to 80 percent. This represents the percentage of time that trains receive a green light. LADOT’s evaluation showed that E Line trains average throughput at various intersections ranged from approximately 80 percent to approximately 95 percent. When those changes were successful, they were expanded along Exposition, then along Flower Street, specifically targeting crossing Adams Boulevard, which LADOT describes as a critical mid-point between two stations.

The six-page LADOT staff report notes that the department initially made improvements where trains cross Normandie Avenue. It is one of the six lines in the Metro Rail system, and is operated by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro).
That motion directed LADOT to “maximize signal priority for the Expo Line where it operates in street-running mode.” See earlier SBLA coverage of the motion approval at Transportation Committee and full City Council.Į trains run on their own off-street right-of-way through much of the western portion of the route there they have full preemption at at-grade crossings (where there are railroad crossing gates.) Closer to downtown the trains run mostly along Exposition Boulevard and Flower Street there they often wait at traffic lights. The E Line (formerly the Expo Line from 20122019) is a 15.2-mile (24.5 km) light rail line that runs between Downtown Los Angeles and Santa Monica. The recent improvements grew out of a 2019 motion ( council file 19-1236) by L.A. It began in downtown, ran down by the University of Southern. According to LADOT Assistant General Manager Dan Mitchell, over the past year new signal prioritization changes have resulted in an average 29 second improvement for westbound trips, and a 64 second second improvement for eastbound trips. The Expo Line is really a second incarnation of Pacific Electrics Santa Monica Air Line. City Transportation Department (LADOT) signal timing changes have resulted in significant travel speed and reliability improvements for people riding the Metro E (Expo) Line. Sta.) light rail fare is about $1.75.Recent L.A. The Downtown LA - Santa Monica (Metro E Line (Expo) - 7th Street / Metro Ctr. Official LA Metro Data Thru Oct 21, 2022. 2022 - Oct 14, 2022) LA Metro Rail Metro - Los Angeles (Rail) Metro E Line (Expo) California United States. How much is the E LINE (EXPO) (Metro E Line (Expo) - 7th Street / Metro Ctr. Timetables, stops & times (NextBus), route maps, alerts, and trip planner for E Line (Expo), LA Metro. When does the Downtown LA - Santa Monica Light Rail line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the Downtown LA - Santa Monica Light Rail line that is closest to your location. What time does the E LINE (EXPO) light rail arrive? Services on the E LINE (EXPO) light rail stop at 11:37 PM on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Weekday ridership on the light rail, which runs from Downtown Los Angeles to Santa Monica, is up. What time does the E LINE (EXPO) light rail stop working? By Metro estimates, the Expo Line just had its best month ever. Services on the E LINE (EXPO) light rail start at 12:00 AM on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. What time does the E LINE (EXPO) light rail start operating?
PDF Version: E LINE (EXPO) schedule, stops and map 7th Street / Metro Center Station View full schedule